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265 Sunset Drive, Suite 260  |  Westlake Village, CA 91361   |   |   (323) 423-6262
Repair Request Form ("RR" Form)


For HVAC maintenance requests, please go use the HVAC Maintenance Form instead.

Section A​
  1. Tenant / Business:               General Motors, LLC
  2. Property Address:               951-955 Benecia Avenue, Sunnyvale CA
  3. FCMC ID:                            PX3 Benecia GM
  4. Dept. Requesting: 
Section B
  1. Brief description of the issue:

  2. Location of the issue:
    (Refer to site plan "D" & floor
    plan "E" below.)
Section C
  1. When did you first notice this?

  2. How soon do you want the repair?

  3. Who should we contact for details?

  4. Additional comments:
Section D
Section E
*Please remember that specificity, details, locations, and photos are far more helpful—and will help us fix your issue faster—than vague or general descriptions. For example, if there is an issue with a door, please let us know if any hardware appears loose or damaged, and if this problem looks to be caused by the handle, the lock, the hinge, or elsewhere on the door. Thank you!

Your request has been received!

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